Google Ads Scripts Store

The app store for Google Ads scripts. All scripts in our Google Ads Scripts Library are also ideal for non-technical users. No editing in the JavaScript code necessary. Copy & paste installation and configuration in a Google spreadsheet (Google's Excel).

 Scripts for Google Ads monitoring and optimization

Google Ads Scripts Monitors look at your Google Ads accounts daily or hourly and inform you immediately if something is wrong.

Has your Google Ads account been hacked? Changes made by unauthorized or unwanted people?

  • Unauthorized changes alert: Has someone else or the customer themselves made changes in Google Ads without informing me? Have your Google Ads account checked hourly for unwanted changes.

Costs and metrics

Problems and errors

  • Merchant Center Monitor: Are there (new) errors in the Merchant Center at account, feed or article level?
  • Link Checker de Luxe: Are there links to pages that no longer exist or to pages that contain configurable texts such as "currently unavailable", "no search results", etc.?
  • Expensive CPC Detector: Alarm when extreme CPCs cause high costs.

Potential configuration errors

  • Smart bidding without target?: Warns when a campaign is using a smart bidding strategy without a target, as this is often unintentional. The script is particularly useful if you manage many accounts.

 Scripts for Google Ads optimization

  • Search Terms Must Match: Can be used only for monitoring or as a powerful tool to automatically avoid unnecessary costs and increase the conversion rate.
  • ETA to RSA Suggestions: Do you still have ad groups without Responsive Search Ads? This script generates suggestions for RSAs from existing ads, which can easily be transferred to the Google Ads Editor.

Many more scripts will follow!

Do you have any questions?

I will gladly answer your questions
Google Ads Experte Holger Schulz
Holger Schulz
