Google Ads script: ETA to RSA Suggestion Sheet Builder

The script makes suggestions for Responsive Search Ads for all ad groups without Responsive Search Ads based on the existing Expanded Text Ads, which can be imported into the Google Ads Editor.

Read-only Google Sheet is created Google Ads Editor Tool
No changes are made in Google Ads, the Merchant Center or Google Analytics.
A spreadsheet file is created or edited in your Google Drive that only you have access to.
Data is created for further processing in the Google Ads Editor.
The script can be executed if required.

 Extremely helpful for generating RSAs from old ETAs

This script reads existing expanded text ads and creates a sheet ("Google's Excel file") with suggestions for Responsive Search Ads (RSA) for each Google Ads account. A row is created in the spreadsheet for each ad group without an RSA. This makes it very easy to create and edit a large number of RSAs in the table using copy & paste.
Then copy the table to the clipboard and paste the content into the Google Ads Editor. If necessary, you can now pin the fields that you want to pin and check everything again before uploading the new Responsive Search Ads to your Google Ads account.

The script does not make any changes in the Google Ads account!

 Script developer

The script was developed by Alex Hughes from WeDiscover in London and released for publication here.

Alex Hughes WeDiscover


Based on:

 Name:        WeDiscover - ETA To RSA Builder, Google Ads Script
 Description: A script to build RSA ad copy from existing ETA ad copy.
 Version:     1.0.0
 Released:    2022-01-10
 Source:      GitHub

We have made a few changes to the script

Among other things, text positions can now be pinned directly, so that no further editing in the Google Ads Editor is necessary.

 Example result sheet

Link to the result Google sheet.


After executing the script, you will receive an email with a link to the table with the RSA suggestions – if missing RSAs were found.

Google Ads Script ETA to RSA Suggestion Sheet Builder<nw>E-Mail</nw>

Click on the link in the "Spreadsheet URL" column to go directly to the results table (Demo)
Google Ads Script ETA to RSA Suggestion Sheet Builder Ergebnis-Tabelle

Here you can then edit the Responsive Search Ads for each ad group. Copy & paste is much faster here than in the Google Ads Editor. Then copy the table to the clipboard and paste it here in the Google Ads Editor:
Google Ads script ETA to RSA Suggestion Sheet Builder Google Ads Editor

 Example script configuration

Link to the demo configuration sheet for EtaToRsaSuggestionSheetBuilder.

 Configuration parameters

checkPausedCampaignstrue: Also create Responsive Search Ads suggestions for paused campaigns.
Default: false
checkPausedAdGroupstrue: Also create RSA suggestions for paused ad groups.
Default: false
includePausedRsastrue: Paused RSAs are counted as existing and the script skips these ad groups.
Default: false
pullFromPausedEtastrue: Texts from paused Expanded Text Ads are also taken into account for the creation of RSA suggestions.
Default: false
addFullStopToDescriptiontrue: If a description does not end with .,:;-!?, a period is automatically added at the end of the sentence.
Default: false
smallPositionColumnsThe position columns, which are always to the left of the corresponding text column, take up a lot of space due to the wide heading. With true, the heading is no longer legible, but the column width is reduced to the content of the column, which increases clarity.
Default: false
#executeIf all ad groups in an account have RSAs, please change #execute to false for this account so that the script is not executed unnecessarily every day (waste of energy).
#daysOnce the script has been executed for all accounts, you can enter mo here, for example, so that the script is only executed every Monday in the future. Just in case you have reactivated old ad groups without RSAs or you have added a new customer to your management account.

Parameters that apply to all scripts

 Download Google Ads script ETA to RSA Suggestion Sheet Builder

Please log in or register in the Ads Scripts Store first to download the script (why is this necessary?).

E-mail address

Do you have any questions?

I will gladly answer your questions
Google Ads Experte Holger Schulz
Holger Schulz
